It also extends to the things that make our hearts sing, like music art or nature. In fact, it is from the same latin root that the modern word volcano is derived. She was also the goddess of trade, the arts, and strategy in war. Venus was also the goddess of wild strawberries, and strawberries today are often used in love charms and spells because of their sacred association with love and sexual desire. His power was assumed to be the force behind destructive conflagrations and volcanic eruptions. Mars loved to cause pain and havoc just for the fun of it. Aphrodites major symbols include myrtle, roses, doves, sparrows and swans. Venus is the first planet that we landed a spacecraft on venera 7 in 1970.
He became the ancestor of remus and romulus, who founded rome. Venus has been known since at least the time of the mayans, who used their observations of the planet to help make their calendar very accurate. Venus was a major roman goddess principally associated with love, beauty and. Venus genetrix mother, representing her role as mother of rome. She was in charge of so many things that ovid called her the goddess of a thousand works. Jupiter the king of the gods and goddesses, and god of lightning and the sky juno his wife, and goddess of marriage. But she was also powerful because her inlaws were the king and queen of the gods. Venus was one of the dei consentes, the roman council of 12, the 12 major gods in ancient rome. It doesnt have any natural satellites, its atmospheric pressure is really high 92 times that of our planet and people used to believe that the gods favored venus more than the other planets. The facts about venus provides a list detailing fascinating additional info to increase your knowledge about venus in ancient roman history and mythology. She was said to have had many romantic exploits with both gods and mortals. Probably of great antiquity, she was concerned with the productivity of the earth and was later identified with the mothergoddess cybele.
She was the roman version of the greek aphrodite and etruscan turan. Venus is the second planet from the sun and is the second brightest object in the night sky after the moon. Venus was the roman goddess of love, beauty and fertility. Venus, as the goddess of love, was powerful in her own right. Roman cultureroman mythsvenus wikibooks, open books for an. Minerva facts and information on the goddess minerva. Her husband was vulcan, god of blacksmiths, but venus also had a love affair with mars, the god of war. The romans worshiped venus as goddess of fertility. Though she had no special priest, she was honoured in the f. Vulcan was the god of fire and the forge, and was also one of the 12 olympian gods. Pictures of roman goddess venus or aphrodite images.
Venus is the second planet from the sun, the ancients called venus the lesser benefic, named after the roman goddess of love and beauty, the planet is veiled by thick swirling clouds, composed of sulphuric acid droplets. Kids learn about the gods and mythology of ancient rome. This book addresses so many important topics such as the history of goddess worship in ancient mesopotamia and babylon, astrology then and now and the evolving goddess as inanna sumerian, ishtar babylonian, aphrodite greek and venus roman. Venus is of the utmost importance in roman mythology, and her followers celebrated many festivals throughout the year. Like the earth, venus probably formed about four and a half billion years ago, out of space dust in the same nebula. Pictures of roman venus sculptures, mosaics and frescoes. According to roman mythology, venus sprang up from the sea. Sumerian, ishtar babylonian, aphrodite greek and venus roman.
In roman mythology, venus was the goddess of love, sex, beauty, and. The statue is greek, from the aegean island of milos or melos, so one might expect aphrodite, since the roman goddess venus is distinct from the greek goddess, but there is substantial overlap. Venus is a roman goddess, whose functions encompassed love, beauty, desire, sex, fertility. The second is stated to be the true goddess, who now wishes only to be referred to by her greek name, aphrodite. To be fair to venus, she was not at all like mars, the god of war. Venus was the roman goddess and love, beauty and seduction.
Discover interesting information and facts about venus, the roman goddess of love and beauty. Goddess venus teaches us to be accepting of all facets of our womanhood and sexuality. Venus was the roman goddess of love, maternal care, sexual reproduction, and erotic desire. Yet ironically, the goddess of love was born of violence. Her father was jupiter and she was married to the god vulcan. Aphrodite is the greek goddess of love, beauty, pleasure, and procreation. Roman cultureroman mythsvenus wikibooks, open books. She is known as the goddess of love and beauty as well as fields and gardens. The roman mythology series uses graphicnovelstyle art and stories to introduce the individual gods and goddesses, along with other deities in the pantheon. Ishtar and her roman parallel, venus, and the symbol for both was the fivepointed star, or pentagram. August 18 was then a festival called the vinalia rustica. According to mythology, her son aeneas fled from troy to italy. However, roman venus had many abilities beyond the greek aphrodite.
As a native italian deity, venus had no myths of her own. Newsela venus, the planet named after a roman goddess. According to roman mythology, venus sprang up from the sea when the testicles of uranus had been cut off and thrown into the ocean. This goddess also represented motherhood, domesticity and prosperity. The goddess venus was a roman goddess of love and beauty. Venus is ironically named for the roman goddess of beauty and love. She is the mother of cupid and though wife of hephaestus, lover of mars. Roman goddess luna roman and greek gods and goddesses. On august 18, 293 bc, the first temple to her was built. She was so important to romans that they claimed her as their. Learn how to love the goddess and feel the goddess loving you in the book finding gods love. He was also one of the most important military gods worshiped by the roman army. Many romans also worship her as goddess of good fortune and call her by. Just as helios personified the sun, so his sister selene represented the moon, and was supposed to drive her chariot across the sky whilst her brother was resting after the toils of the day.
She has become one of the most wellknown figures in roman mythology. Her temple on the esquiline hill dated from about 268 bc. The latter is suggested by the root word for her name venes which forms the root of the word venenum poison suggesting love potions and charms. Roman goddess venus and the greek aphrodite are usually known for beauty, love and grace. Venus had no worship in rome in early times, as the scholar marcus terentius varro 11627 bce shows, attesting that he could find no mention of her name in old records.
Pentagrams, pentacles and venus in the da vinci code the pentagram or pentacle is one of the major symbols described by symbologist robert langdon in the da vinci code. Soon after, romes defeat of carthage confirmed venus s goodwill to rome, her links to its mythical trojan past, and her support of its political and. Goddess names and their meanings the goddess guide. Venus, ancient italian goddess associated with cultivated fields and gardens and later identified by the romans with the greek goddess of love, aphrodite.
Venus is the roman goddess of love, beauty, prosperity, fertility, and victory. This article compares his claims about the symbol with reality. Pentagrams, pentacles and venus in the da vinci code. Highlighting the story of venus the roman goddess youtube. Interesting facts about venus explore royal museums. The planet mars, known as the red planet, was named after him.
She wears a girdlelike belt called a cestus as her weapon to increase her female attraction. Venus is the name of two fictional characters appearing in american comic books published by marvel comics. Highlighting the story of venus the roman goddess my amazon shop link for youtubers. Aphrodite is the olympian goddess of love, beauty and pleasure. Venus is named after the roman goddess of love and beauty it is thought that venus was named after the beautiful roman goddess counterpart to the greek aphrodite due to its bright, shining appearance in the sky. Venus facts for kids interesting facts about planet venus. In this lesson, well look at both her mythology and role in roman.
In fact, one of the qualities that separate venus from the aphrodite myth, is that venus was also the goddess of prostitutes. Roman tradition made venus the mother and protector of the trojan prince aeneas, ancestor of the roman people. An example of this was the book was written in 1992 by author john gray, entitled men are from mars, women are from venus, where gray referenced the two planets as a relationship guide for men and women. The god cupid, shown as a winged child, was the son of venus. Venus is the second planet from the sun and is the second largest terrestrial planet.
In england a knot tied in the form of the pentagram is called a lovers knot because of this association with the goddess of love. Venus murcia myrtle, representing the importance of this plant to her. Venus sacred month was april and she was honoured in several festivals. Myths about venus show that she could be kind or merciless. Aphrodite, venus to the romans, was the greek goddess of love, beauty, pleasure and procreation and according to homers iliad was the daughter of zeus and dione on the island of cyprus rising from the sea. Taken from the greeks, the romans had gods such as jupiter, mars, mercury, neptune, and more. Facts about luna luna features in the creation myth of the ancients. On april 1, the veneralia was celebrated in honor of venus verticordia, the protector against vice. This is a list of roman gods and goddesses that are in roman mythology. Roman gods the romans adopted much of greek mythology into their own. Venus mythology simple english wikipedia, the free. Venus came to embody the female attributes of life, sometimes seen as positive, other times as negative. Mars was the roman god of war and the most important roman god after jupiter. The goddess venus has long been an inspiration to artists, writers and composers.
Shorn of her more overtly carthaginian characteristics, this foreign venus became romes venus genetrix venus the mother, as far as the romans were concerned, this was the homecoming of an ancestral goddess to her people. The romans adapted the myths and iconography of her greek counterpart aphrodite for roman art and latin literature. While this statue actually depicts the roman goddess, the term venus is used to. Venus is about the same size as earth, so its gravity is about the same too. Venus is the closest planet to earth and is sometimes referred to as the earths sister planet due to their similar size and mass. Veneralia was celebrated on april 1 and was dedicated to both venus seen as venus verticordia, the changer of hearts and fortuna virilis, the goddess of fortune. In greek mythology, aphrodite was born when kronos saturn in roman mythology castrated his father, ouranos uranus, whose semen fell into the ocean. Her goddess name has become synonymous with her role as the woman who all men desire.
For more information on venus, check out our article. Venus roman goddess venus in roman mythology dk find out. Venus facts and information on the goddess venus greek gods. She allows for sexuality to be fluid, to exist in a space without judgment. An ancient italian roman goddess, venus is associated with cultivated fields and gardens and later identified by the romans with the greek goddess of love, aphrodite. Venus goddess of love and beauty in roman mythology. Vestas name and function is derived from the greek goddess hestia.
The first, originally based on the goddess venus from roman and greek mythology, was retconned to actually be a siren that only resembles the goddess. I love tapping into the amazing energies of the goddesses, since i am a libra i feel a particular kinship and affinity to the goddess of love venus. Venus felix the lucky, suggesting she could be prayed to for good luck. Venus had no worship in rome in early times, as the scholar marcus terentius varro 11627 bc shows, attesting that he could find no mention of her name in old records. Vulcan was the god of fire and the forge, and was also one of the.
She was the roman version of the greek aphrodite and etruscan turan her cult began in ardea and lavinium, latium. Venus is the second planet away from our sun mercury is closer to the sun, and then the earth is a little farther from the sun. Venus venus was the equivalent of the greek goddess aphrodite. Its only a quirk of fate that we dont look forward to venusday every week. Introduces the roman goddess venus and explains her importance. Venus was the goddess of love, but why was she so important to the romans.
Also like earth, venus is mostly made out of melted iron in the center. An ancient italian roman goddess, venus is associated with cultivated fields and gardens and later. He wont be able to land on venus moons because there is none. Venus in roman mythology, a goddess, worshipped as the goddess of love in classical rome though apparently a spirit of kitchen gardens in earlier times. Her domains included medicine, poetry, and handicrafts as well. Top 10 ancient roman goddesses ancienthistorylists. Minerva was highly influenced by the greek goddess. Ovids metamorphoses book x recounts how venus fell in love with. Venus is a roman goddess who corresponds to the goddess aphrodite in greek mythology. He was also the god of metalworking, forges, and craftsmanship. She was so important to romans that they claimed her as their ancestress. The following information, facts and profile provides a fast overview of luna.
In roman mythology, venus was the goddess of love, sex, beauty, and fertility. Everybody loves venus, maybe its because shes the only planet in. It is named after the roman goddess of love and beauty. Venus is named after the roman goddess of love and beauty. Venus is sometimes referred to as the earths sister planet due to their similar size and mass. Each book begins with a description of rome and the relationship between the roman and greek gods, and is followed by a visual of the characters and places discussed in each volume. Of the five planets known to ancient astronomers, it would have been the brightest. She was usually shown as a beautiful woman, similar to the greek goddess aphrodite. Venus was named after the goddess of love and beauty, and the name has become synonymous in our society with women. In spite of she having numerous love affairs with gods and mortals, roman women worshiped her as goddess of chastity and symbol of feminism. In many ways she was like the greek goddess of love, aphrodite, and the two have been confused since antiquity. She was the roman counterpart to the greek aphrodite. In roman mythology, venus is the goddess of love and beauty. Get information about venus and discover interesting facts with dk find out, to help kids learn.
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